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Leavers' Mass and Assembly

Year 3 Performance

Sports Day

Displays and Curriculum

FHC Prayers - Year 3

Our Lady Guadalupe

 GenR8 Visit

St Alban's Day Mass

Y2 Trip to the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology

Reception - Owl Sanctuary visit 

Eco Council

Athletic Champions June 2023

St Alban’s competed at a recent Cricket tournament

Someone special dropped in to see the White Cahplains

Year 1 Pyjamas day

During the month of May the White Chaplains led the Rosary in every class, each day.

This term the children learnt more about Islam 2023.05.25

Summer Topic Displays 2023.05.25

Year 5 Performance

Ascension Day at St Alban’s

Netball Competitions

Good luck to the netball team in the County Finals

Thank you the PFA for the new trikes

Writer of the month

Easter Egg Hunt

Eco School Council

Secret Garden 2023.03.21

PizzaExpress visit 2023 March

Victoria Goodman workshop 2023 March

MP Mr Daniel Zeichner and the Deputy Ambassador of Austria visit 2023.03.10

Today we welcomed Mr Daniel Zeichner MP and the Deputy Ambassador to Austria. They had a tour round the school by our House Captains, and we had an assembly about being an Austrian citizen.

Displays around school 2023.02.24

Chaplains lead an assembly on British Values

Photos of the colourful curriculum being offered to the children

Dressing the crib

Ice Hockey and more...

Bishop’s Installation

Christmas Dinner 2022.12.14

KS1 Nativity 2022.12.13

Year 4 Violin overture begins 2022 November


Nativity Story with Victoria Goodman December 2022

Table tennis and Dodgeball Champions 2022 November

Snow Day 2022.12.12

Armistice Day 2022.11.11

Snow White 2022.11.07

Our thanks to the FA for sponsoring this theatre company visit.  We are very grateful for their generous support.

Pumpkin Party 2022.11.01